Friday, October 21, 2022

Week Ending 10/21

 We had a great week at school, they are doing a nice job with kindness, respect, and being hard workers. I can see their confidence in literacy and math growing daily.  Happy birthday this week, to Bradley!

Bus Safety 


Friday, October 14, 2022

First Grade Week of 10/11

 Here we are hard at work and play this week! We celebrated Marin's birthday!  We had a visit from our Fire Chief, took our Reading and Math NWEA assessments, played some cooperative games with our Primary Wing pals and so much more! It was a very busy short week!  I had to include the pictures from our "Room on the Broom" activity because they were just too precious.

Progress reports came home with students today.  Spelling tests did not, I did not have time to correct them, but all the kids did great! Many students are continuing to work on transferring that knowledge into their authentic writing skills. I will send them home on Monday with their new words to practice.  Next week we will be reviewing CVC short A and short E words(  cvc = consonant-vowel-consonant).  We will also be reviewing some flash words often referred to as high frequency words.  Those are the words students can decode and hear each sound. The other high frequency words we call heart words because they have decodable parts and parts to learn by heart.

If you can practice rhyming words and listening to the better alphabet sound song it will really boost your child in their literacy learning.  For those at a higher level have them clap syllables with you in the car or before dinner. 

Have a great weekend! 

Friday, October 7, 2022

First Grade Learning (Week of 10/4)

This week we celebrated Willie's birthday!  

During academic time we worked hard this week as usual!  We focused on remember the sound that short e makes and we also talked about all the different spelling patterns that make the long ee sound.  We are continuing our work on addition within 10 and trying to get solid on those combinations to ten.   In reading we have been reading books about controlling our volume and not shouting out things while others are trying to learn by focusing on the author's message. In writing we are working on generating 3 or more sentences on the same topic.  This is the foundation to writing a story that has a beginning, middle, and end.  As students continue to be brave spellers they are segmenting and blending sounds they know to approach words that they don't know how to spell.   On Tuesday/ Wed. of next week we will be doing our NWEA testing. This test will measure Literacy and Math. 

At home this week try saying rhyming words to your student.  Can they identify a rhyming word by listening?  Can they make another rhyme (even if it's a nonsense word)?  These are critical skills at the foundation of literacy education.  Also, have your student listen to the better alphabet song as much as possible.  It is linked in a post on the blog.  

Thank you for working together with me to help support your child's education! 

P.S. Thank you for the 'pop its' I look forward to using them during word work!  Look for Oct. book order information coming home in folders next week.

Here we are hard at work this week: