Monday, September 26, 2022

First Grade Adventures

 Last week we had crazy weather and that made for a lot of inside recess!  We colored, built with legos, and some first graders even played Uno.  We are usually really good at playing together and sharing supplies.

 We have started to try on our read to self and read with a buddy work.  During these times students always start by reading books at their level from their book boxes.  You can expect books to start coming home near the end of October. 

During Science we have been learning about groundwater and navigating  the scientific process via a virtual trip to Kenya.  Students at a school there need fresh drinking water closer to their school. Together with a live stream from scientists we are thinking along with them to solve their problem.  You should have also seen a Science magazine that came home last week. 

We always have fun when our Peer Helpers come to visit!  So far they are teaching us how to access things on our computers. 

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